Curricular Content:
Explain the relationship among common objects in the solar system, galaxy, and the universe.
Identify how diverse people and/or cultures, past and present, have made important contributions to science.
Use scientific inquiry to determine validity and credibility of the question: "Are There Really Aliens?"
Grade Level: 7th
Tools Needed:
Web Resources:
Anytime the topic of space comes up, the students always want to know if there are really aliens. This is a great opportunity to teach some critical thinking skills and assist students to explore, evaluate, and come to their own decision about the answer to this question.
The first thing I remind students of is the radio telescope and the SETI project. The SETI project is the Search For Extraterrestrial Life. It seeks to answer the question, "Are We Alone" in our universe. The search began in 1956, when an astronomer by the name of Frank Drake used a new technology known as the radio telescope and thought he had made contact with an alien species. It was a false alarm, but it lead to Drake coming up with his famous equation. Check out this equation and discuss the answer that comes up using the current readings. A thousand possibilities is our own galaxy only. The fact that there are billions of $$ being spent on searching for extraterrestrials tells us what? Many scientist believe that it is worth looking for signals.
There is an interesting article in the Times Online called "Is There Anybody Out There?" This is a good article for students to read and critique.
Next, we discuss what evidence we have to prove that aliens are out there or have actually come to visit us? We take a look at some of the witnesses and their stories. Next, we focus on some well known news reporters and their interviews. Discuss with students what makes some witnesses more believable than others.
Finish off the activity by having students make a T-chart to analyze the information they collected. (Credible vs. Hoaxes) Lastly, have students do a secret vote on whether they belief now or not and graph the results.
Posted by Stargazer
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