Curricular Concept: Explain the seasons in Northern and Southern Hemispheres in terms of the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the Earth's revolution around the Sun.
Grade level: 7th
Tools needed:
1) Computer with Internet access. 2) Writing and drawing materials. 3) Maps of northern and southern hemisphere.
Web resources:
To know the strategy and the whole lesson plan click on this website.
More Web Resources:
To clarify their misconceptions one or more of the following resources can be used.
Reason for seasons A discovey streaming teaching the reason for seasons.
Summer solstice Discovery Education on summer solstice.
Vernal Equinox Discovery Education explaining what is Vernal Equinox.
Animation #1 on reason for seasons.
Animation #2 on reason for seasons.
Help Max A very good animation video to teach seasons.
Seasons this webpage shows the location of Earth during summer and winter season.
Brain pop - Seasons
Questions for discussions:
- What are the two major motions of Earth as it travels through space?
- Explain which motion causes day and night?
- Why do people use Earth's motions to determine units of time?
- Describe the weather and sunlight in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres in March and September?
- What causes the seasons?
- How would the seasons be different if Earth were not tilted on its axis? Explain.
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